  1. BBC_Scripts


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
8ac02b5bd74removed '!' from regex as it limited file matching to only files that had a preview
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
18330bdcde4silence the repo_exist func() as it utilizes the 404 to detmine success, thus no need to log a critical error for it
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
9db6bdc94cdconvert 'description' lookup to try/except
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
52664aacbc9added critical log for error code responses under _get_api()
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
069ab22c4f7adjusted regex to account for description based syntax as well as the original comment based syntax
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
74fcf625357added description based text parsing as checking for attachments originally only checked comments, not the initial description
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
0db10981928re-introduced EXCEPTION_LIST for more options
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
9b2763d3a39added explicit repo search and added generic error catch for get_paged_api calls
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
e345f8c60efadding ConnectionError retry and stoppage if 2 connection errors occur in a row, 30 seconds apart
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
70e646a9373fixed pagination between cloud server due to server operating on 'start' mechanic that requires scaling linearly with the 'limit' value while cloud uses a straight +1 per page counter
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
91484b1fb76fixed attachment filename issue if an additional period character was present outside of the extention, fixed other json fetching behaviors including a default empty string for descriptions when not present from the api response
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
0e1d0f57e85converted to union type hinting (PEP-604/484), added missing variable input for Server.download_repo_attachment()PEP-604
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
2d9737162c6updated file naming convention on download to make it easier to locate file in downloads if necessary by searching for the pr ID, and updated the readme accordingly
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
0be46f8d4fdupdated readme
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
509de687e57added more logging and handler to skip loop if download failed on an attachment
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
89fcca91cfbfixed upload error caused by headers, added hasing to filename to prevent potential duplicate names in downloads folder
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
81037794d54added objects and some logging, but failing on resources.cloud_api.Cloud.upload_attachment_to_downloads with 400 error currently
Michael WalkerMichael Walker
8556fd5287dinitial work, incomplete